"Performance does not happen in time, it creates its own time; it does not happen in space, it creates its own space."
(Daniel Charles)
What are the consequences of not only choreographing for the perspective of the audience – which usually is also the view of the choreographer – but also for the completely different perspectives of cameras distributed on stage?
"the concept of … (here and now)" consists of seven chapters that reflect and investigate these multiple simultaneous perspectives and the resulting ambiguity.
The transmission of body-time into computer-time and its retransfer into the physical space as visual and acoustic components of the digital environment, as well as the superimposition of different variable structures and timings, all this unveils the tension between reality and representation, between live performance and its digital depiction and transformation.
And since all content is created in real-time by the performers, it shows us the fascination but also the limitations of our existence in the inescapable here and now.
In collaboration with
Accademia Nazionale di Danza di Roma,
University IUAV of Venice - Faculty of Arts and Design,
Figurentheater-Festival Erlangen,
Institute for Theater and Media Sciences,
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg