artistic direction, composition, video:Klaus Obermaier and Robert Spour
midi guitar:Klaus Obermaier
keyboards:Robert Spour
choreography, dance – version II:Bert Gstettner, TANZ*HOTEL
> linkchoreography – version I:Martino Müller
dance – version I:Nancy Euvrink
A production of the
Festival for Arts, Bad Gleichenberg
and the OK-Center Linz, Austria
light design:
Rainer Jessl
video co-production, live video:
Gottfried Gusenbauer
dance assistence:
Zdeno Dlhos
technical direction:
Gernot Sommerfeld
Bert Gstettner
Martina Hochmuth
metabolic stabilizers
An inter-media video, dance and music project
by Klaus Obermaier and Robert Spour with Bert Gstettner's TANZ*HOTEL